Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Book Recommendations (Let's Start Something Good!)

These truly are hard times. The world has slowed to a near stop because of the CoVid-19 pandemic. As I am currently stuck in the house, I am trying to use this time wisely. Catching up on some reading is one thing I've been doing a lot more of lately. 

My kids always talk about their childhood memories of me often falling asleep with a book on my face. Hard to believe I hated reading in the early stages of my learning. I'm still a reader, but I do a lot of online reading these days. For me to buy an actual book, it has to mean a lot to me to have it. I will sometimes read the same book several times over, just because it's just that good. 

Here are a couple of book recommendations. Be sure to click on them and have yourself a good read. 

A great book for children (girls and boys)! Since a lot of parents have been hurled into the role of teacher, why not teach them about some great women in history. Pictures and short paragraphs about each woman featured in the book make it an easy read for young children. 

This is a book for survivors of childhood trauma. Poetry and reflections from a wonderful writer. I was given this book by my daughter. She gets me. 

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